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Plans for You

  • Editable PHP & CSS files
  • One Click Auto Install
  • Premium Support
  • Theme Updates
  • Domain use License
  • Access All Themes
  • Access All Plugins
  • SaturnWP Pro


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    All 291+ Themes


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    All 291+ Themes & 12 Plugins


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    FrequentlyAsked Questions

    Can I use the products of Theme Saturn for my clients? Can I use the products of Theme Saturn for my clients?

    Yes, you can use these products to create a website for your clients as well. For the developers, we are providing functional and beautiful design choices to offer their clients.

    What happens if the subscription is expired? What happens if the subscription is expired?

    Once you purchase the theme you will get access to the themes, updates, and customer support for the next 1 year but in case if your subscription is expired or if you cancel the subscription, unfortunately, you will lose access to the new themes we launch, technical support and the theme updates. Themes will however continue to work fine on the websites you have used.

    Is it possible to translate Theme Saturn into different languages? Is it possible to translate Theme Saturn into different languages?

    Yes, it is possible to translate the product you choose from Theme Saturn in multiple languages because all themes are multilingual and are compatible with several multilingual plugins and translation-ready. Along with this, the theme comes with PO and MO file for easy theme translation.

    Do I need to know how to code to use Theme Saturn? Do I need to know how to code to use Theme Saturn?

    Not at all. You do not need to know to code nor need to have a technical background. If you know how to use Microsoft Word, Office, and Excel that means you are able to use Theme Saturn. For a seamless editing experience, plenty of customization options are provided that too at your ease.

    Will the Theme Saturn's products work with third-party plugins? Will the Theme Saturn's products work with third-party plugins?

    Yes, almost all of our themes work great and produce an outstanding output while working with third-party plugins. It is not possible to guarantee that all third-party plugins will work but yes we can guarantee that all of our WordPress themes are excellently coded and made compatible with all popular plugins which makes usage of all coding best practices.

    How do I update Theme Saturn? How do I update Theme Saturn?

    » Go to Appearance -> Themes.

    » Click on Add New Theme.

    » Click on the Upload Theme button.

    » Click on Choose File button and select the zip file of a theme that you would like to have. After this click on Install now button. Now you will be asked to replace the current theme. To replace it click on Replace current with the uploaded button and wait for the install to get completed.

    Which browsers are compatible with Theme Saturn? Which browsers are compatible with Theme Saturn?

    All products in Theme Saturn are tested almost on every latest browser including Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, and so on. However, we would like to suggest to before purchasing any theme you must check the demo of our products on various browsers so that you ensure from your side that our themes work better on most of the browsers.

    How often is Theme Saturn updated? How often is Theme Saturn updated?

    The theme updates will actually depend on various factors. Critical bugs and security updates will be fixed as soon as possible. Moreover, the updates which will add totally a new feature to it will be made available regularly.

    Do Photoshop PSDs is included with the Theme Saturn? Do Photoshop PSDs is included with the Theme Saturn?

    Yes, the Theme Saturn will offer PSDs on customer’s demand and not all PSDs can be provided instantly.

    Can I access professional WordPress themes for free? Can I access professional WordPress themes for free?

    Kindly download the plugin named: SKT Templates from WordPress repositiory or visit here to download the plugin: https://www.sktthemes.org/shop/ready-to-import-wordpress-sites/

    That plugin gives you access to over 100+ templates free of cost to try our themes before purchase with limited features and functionality to give you an idea of how easy our themes will be.

    How the WordPress theme I am using can be customized? How the WordPress theme I am using can be customized?

    The design editing process of Theme Saturn is kept straightforward and fast. Moreover, it is possible to modify its layout admin panel. You need to login into the WordPress dashboard and go to appearance and click on the customizer option.

    With complete editing tips and installation instructions, comprehensive documentation is provided so that you can perform modifications without the help of experienced developers. Also, it is possible to relay the customization to the support team. You can get professional assistants to get your queries resolved.

    Are Theme Saturn templates is good for SEO? Are Theme Saturn templates is good for SEO?

    First of all, you should be known of the fact that Google Loves WordPress. However, WordPress CMS allows you to modify the content and pages, thus it also provided some important SEO configurations.

    The themes presented in this website are SEO Optimized so you don’t need to install a plugin for SEO separately but if you would like to add then you will find our themes design is compatible with most popular SEO plugins like Yoast SEO, Rank Math, All in One SEO Pack and more. With this plugin integration, you can ensure that all basic optimization steps are done the incorrect way. These will help you to get better ranks in Google. In short, Yes Theme Saturn is the perfect option for SEO.